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CDC Healthcare Professional Quick Application
Staffing Etc. is seeking to hire Licensed Healthcare Professionals (Physicians, Physician Assistants, Registered Nurses, Social Workers) to provide medical screening and clinical support at Airports and Military bases throughout the U.S for prevention of the COVID-19 and other communicable and infectious diseases. If you are interested in this opportunity, please fill out the information below.

*Please note that training sessions are paid in full at the CDC headquarters in Atlanta.

Are you a United States citizen?
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Thank you for your interest in our contractor position for Airport Entry Screening Services for the CDC. As we await the CDC'S final decision, we must prepare for the April 15th contract start date. Please forward your current Resume (CV), Professional License(s), dates for training and an alternate date, and confirm the airport location(s) you can work at no later than March 17, 2020, by 3 pm (EST) via email to all parties in this email or fax to 301-403-8859. We will set-up a conference call to discuss the opportunity later in the week.

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